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Reform and development of industrial automation production line in automobile industry


With the continuous development of manufacturing industry, the advantages brought by the introduction of automated production lines are becoming more and more obvious. Automated production lines not only improve product productivity, shorten production cycle, improve product quality, but also directly improve the economic benefits of enterprises. With the increasing cost of personnel, it is urgent for enterprises to realize unmanned automated production, which directly affects the development and future of enterprises.

With the reform and development of the automobile industry, first-line automobile brands have focused on "intelligent manufacturing", using intelligent robots instead of labor to improve efficiency, reduce costs, ensure quality and strive to expand market share. However, the intelligence of robots is not enough to complete the manipulator application by themselves, and they have no eyes to see or brains to think about. Therefore, robots need to visualize scenes through machine vision, make control decisions through information processing, and perform precise mechanical movements. To provide these key functions, automobile manufacturers can use 3D intelligent sensors for robots to build complete automation solutions.

Automobile manufacturing is one of the first industries in the world to use automatic control mode for assembly line, and its application technology tends to mature. Automobile automatic production line company provides a series of overall solutions for automatic assembly line of auto parts, such as welding fixtures for related parts such as car body, door, chassis and bumper. Automatic assembly production line of automobile parts can realize full-automatic or semi-automatic operation of automobile parts transmission, grasping, handling, riveting, assembly, tightening, pressing, spraying, coding, dynamic monitoring, online management, etc., through the effective integration of the overall optimization design and system integration of equipment, the optimal control and online fault diagnosis of assembly system, and the precise positioning and force-position hybrid servo control in automatic assembly, which greatly improves the production efficiency of products.


